BCIA #E5307
1969 Matriculated (University Exemption)
1973 Graduated – Teacher (Johannesburg College of Education)
1990 Diploma in Specialized Education – with Distinction (University of Witwatersrand) Arthur Swartz Prize for outstanding work in Remedial Education.
1994 Bachelor of Arts Degree (University of South Africa)
1994 Honours – Bachelor of Education Degree – with Distinction (University of Witwatersrand) Arthur Swartz Prize for outstanding work in Remedial Education.
1997 Master of Education Degree (Rand Afrikaans University)
1997 Clinical Neuropsychology Course – Dr Roy Sugarman
1998 Registration as Educational Psychologist – HPCSA – Registrat. # PS 0059714
1999 – 2011 Short Courses in the following areas
• Various types of therapy
• Assessment – Tests & Techniques
• Diagnostics
• Neurofeedback – (S.A. & U.S.A.)
• Paediatric Neuropsychology
• Ongoing Supervision – (S.A. & U.S.A)
1974 Worked as a teacher
1975 International travel and part time employment in the UK
1976 – 1987 Various teaching posts
1988 – 1996 Head of Department and then Vice Principal – portfolio –assessment, counselling, remedial work and teacher supervision
1998 – 2011 Private Practice – emphasis in the following areas:
• Assessments – including neuropsychological assessments
• Various types of therapy with children and adolescents
• Neurofeedback – children, adolescents and adults
• Supervision of other Psychologists and Counsellors in a variety of areas including Neurofeedback.
• Affiliate member of SACNA since 1998 (South African Clinical Neuropsychology Association.)
2003 Initial basic Training through EEG Spectrum. A trainer was sent to South Africa to train the first group of people interested in the field. (36 hours).
2004 Revision of basic training and Alpha/Theta Training through EEG Spectrum. Mike Cohen came to South Africa to train the second group and to do more advanced work with the first group. (36 hours).
2005 Attended the EEG Spectrum Annual Seminar/Workshops in Los Angeles (4-5 days).
2006 Attended the Intro-Intermediate Neurofeedback Workshop presented by the Brownbacks in Cleveland (10 – 13 August).
2007 Introduction to QEEG’s – Roger de Beus came to South Africa. (4-5 days).
Supervision with Roger via Skype and ‘Go To Meeting’ for the remainder of the year.
2008 Z-score training in Cleveland. (4 days).
2009 Participated in Bob Thatcher’s Neuroguide course over the Internet.
Advanced course in Neurofeedback and more information on QEEG’s – Gary Schummer came to South Africa. (36 hours).
2010 Advanced Course in interpreting QEEG’s – Gary Schummer came to South Africa. (36 hours).
Summer Camp on EEG’s presented by Jack Johnstone (August – September – 10 hours – Internet course).
Internet group discussion / mentoring with Gary Schummer on QEEG’s and application to Neurofeedback. Approximately 1 x p month for 2 hourly sessions.
2011 On-going supervision and discussion with Gary Schummer as above.
Approximately 2 monthly group internet training with Jay Gunkelman on various aspects of EEG’s
On-going training in basic EEG’s with a view to writing the exam in August 2011 in order to register as a Neuro Technician in South Africa.
October 2011 – Brainmaster course re using Z-Score to guide all types of training. (4 days).
ISNR Member since 2006. Purchased some DVD’s of workshops so as to keep up with learning.
WORKSHOPS with McGill Scott
September 5th – 8th 2019 This workshop is for anyone seeking BCIA didactic hours towards certification as well as anyone new to Neurofeedback. Course introduces database guidance and protocol selection. BrainMaster equipment is the equipment of choice for this workshop. Limited Seating!