Dr. Bavonese is a Licensed Psychologist

and Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Relationship Institute of Royal Oak, Michigan. Joe has a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies. He has worked as a Research Psychologist and Consultant for General Motors and was the Clinical Director of Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services for Medical Center Psychiatric Associates in Warren, Michigan.

He has worked as an Adjunct Professor for the Graduate College of the Union Institute, a Field Faculty Advisor for the Graduate Program at Norwich University and is a member of the American Psychological Association and the National Alliance of Professional Psychology Providers.

Since 2001, Joe’s approach to private practice marketing has been highlighted numerous times in the Psychotherapy Finances newsletter. Joe has written three aticles on the business of private practice for Psychotherapy Networker magazine, including a feature article in the July/August 2007 issue of Psychotherapy Networker. Joe has also given numerous presentations on business and marketing.

For the past 20 years, Joe has given numerous workshops on relationship issues, self-esteem, stress management, weight loss, and the practices of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. Joe has also been a marketing consultant to psychotherapy practices since 1996. Joe’s work with relationship issues has been featured in TIME magazine, the New York Post, the Detroit News, the Detroit Free Press, WXYZ-TV (ABC Detroit affiliate), WDIV-TV (NBC Detroit affiliate), and WJR-AM radio, among other places.

Joe is a self-taught computer and Internet expert, and has helped many therapists get over their fears or reluctance about computers, teaching them how to use these modern tools to optimize their time and obtain many inexpensive referrals in the process.

Joe facilitates the monthly “Ask the Geek” teleconference call for Uncommon Practices.