Richard C. Davis is a Licensed Psychologist
State of Ohio, No. 2864, 1979 -Present and holds a Certificate of Professional Qualification in Psychology (CPQ) No. 1402-Issued by the Association of State & Provincial Psychology Boards.Richard also holds a Certificate of Proficiency of Alcohol & Other Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders -Issued by Board of Governors of the APA Collage of professional Psychology (past)
- Ph.D. 1977 University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- Curriculum: Counseling and Clinical Psychology, Department of Counselor Education
- M.R.C. 1972 University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- Curriculum: Rehabilitation Counseling
- B.A. 1968 University of Miami, Miami, FL
- Curriculum: Psychology & Political Science in the College of Business Administration
- University of Florida –lnterns